I am pretty sure we have looked at this source before, but I decided to look up names of counties (Fayette, Monroe, Greenbrier) to see what names were associated with each county. There is no index or Table of Contents that I could find. This book has information on various families. (I will try to do a few more counties tomorrow.)
West Virginia and Its People, Vol. 2, by Thomas Condit Miller, at FamilySearch.org, has over 800 pages of surnames of West Virginia families. When you find the book, it’s probably easiest to just enter surnames that interest you in the “search”.
Fayette County mentioned in these sections: Keller, Hooper, Coleman, Dillon, O’Neal, Simms, Gaines, Hall-McLaurine, Lewis, Townsend, Davis, Melancthon-Snyder, Osenton, Duncan, Connor, McVey, McKell, Montgomery, Miller-Hodge, Erskine, Laing, Prichard, Imboden-Tyree, Brown - Blake, McGuire, Casto, Garrett, Arnold, Smith, Stone - Dews, Nichols, McGregor, Fetty, Nash, Byron, Child, Davies, Krebs, Darlington, Dews - Amick, Bell, Pilcher - Simms, Martin, Myers, Townsend, Osenton, Hare, Lee
Monroe County mentioned in these sections: Hutchinson, Hoskinson, Copeland, Strickling, Gilliland-Edwards-Withrow-Poffenbarger, Nash, Krebs, Lee, Alderson, Stratton-Henderson-Nighbert, Osenton, Churchman-Tapp, Hardman - Crow, LeSage - Humphries, Neal-Witten, Hicks - Diddle
Greenbrier County mentioned in these sections: Bowyer - Clendenin -Cantrell, Alderson, Robertson - Sehon, Arbuckle, Dice, Williams, Gilliland - Lewis, Snyder-Clinton-McClung, McWhorter, Brackman - Sydenstricker, Hill - Watts, Hutchinson, Miller, McClung - Bowyer - Miller, Hodge - Erskine, Williams, Hull, Bowyer, Smith, Garrett, Brown - Flanders, Preston-Haynes, Simms - Pilcher, Nash, Johnson, Thompson, Clinton - McClung -Snyder, Simms - Dorsey, Osenton, McVey, Montgomery - Feamster, Melancthon, Buts, Read, Mossman - Watts, Barrett, Lynch, Holt, Bird, Clark - Brackman, Dice, Rucker, Stuart, Koontz, Bullitt